There's so much to love about this piece, thank you for writing it. Language creates our reality. If we want to change the world, we need to change the way we see, describe and talk about the world and our place in it. Also, it's so true that the phrase "sustainable business" is an oxymoron. I'm currently reflecting on how we can support organisations making the shift from an extractive model (i.e. human resources, toxic productivity serving relentless growth, harmful "move fast and break things" practices) to a more sustainable, even regenerative cultural ideal. Also, as an anthropology graduate, it's a delight to see "Stone Age Economics" referenced here!

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Thanks Steph, I'm so glad to hear that this landed well for you and that you're exploring how to support organisations in the shift to more sustainable and regenerative futures. I think that's one of the most important things we need to focus on right now and every little step forward helps build momentum in the right direction.

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Thank you Tom, this is fantastic!

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Adding Stone Age Economics to my reading list. It sounds similar to Civilized to Death by Christopher Ryan (another anthropologist and thinker). I can recommend a podcast episode titled Civilized to Death: Are We Really Making Progress? on Nourish Balance Thrive. It's a good quick introduction to him and his work. He also repeats same facts as Marshall Sahlins - how we have washing machines, general heating, refrigerators and many other technological advancements, yet still lack time to make money for purchasing all the things we are advertised daily, or lack time to spend with our dearest.

Was it at Curiously Green that once you shared a list of 7 alternatives to GDP? For example there was Gross National Happiness (GNH), Thriving Places Index, Happy Planet Index, Human Development Index... Or I might have found it elsewhere, but certainly they proved more pro-planet alternatives, and less pro-consumerism.

Thanks for this wonderful and thought-provoking read, Tom. I really enjoyed it and will share briefly with friends and family.

Somehow it gave me the feeling of completing a full circle, back to where you started with this newsletter. Hope this is not a goodbye and you continue provoking our brains with more pondering in Spring. Enjoy your time afk.

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Thanks Jason. I'll be sure to check out that podcast episode in the days ahead. I don't think it was Curiously Green where you saw that list, though it does sound like the sort of thing we might have shared ;-) Thanks for adding those alternatives to GDP to the conversation here. I think there is so much potential in exploring these types of alternatives in how we measure the success of our society.

You're right that it does feel like completion of a circle. I had the same feeling after I finished writing it. There's still so much to explore though, so watch this space...

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I totally agree with your point of view!

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